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Annie Yi

Family Medicine, Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic

About Me

I attended the University of Washington where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Physiology. After graduation, I took a year to work as a case manager at Rainier Beach High School and my experience there brought into stark relief the need for physicians in underserved populations. I especially feel strongly that health care is not simply science and medicine but is heavily tied with providing wraparound care that includes, but is not limited to, education, access, safety, and emotional support.

Hopes & Aspirations

My hopes are to learn in Washington and practice in Washington. As I worked with providers across the state as a medical student, a common theme that I have seen is the lack of primary care and mental health providers. My current hope is to be able to help plug this gap in service as a family medicine physician who emphasizes not only physical and preventative health, but also mental health.