New Inclusive Bias Training for Employees

As a college, we strive for excellence in our search processes. This includes critically analyzing and acting to ensure equitable selection and treatment across candidates and promoting best practices that reflect the college’s mission in each search. Additionally, we have a college policy requiring committee chairs and members to receive Inclusive Excellence Training prior to participation in the search process and complete the training every three years. 

The new training is a set of interactive, self-paced eLearning modules that provide the knowledge, skills, and tools for limiting the impact of bias within search committees. This is crucial for creating and sustaining searches that foster a creative, inclusive, respectful, healthy, and productive workforce and workplace.

Diversity Advocates

During the training, you will notice mention of diversity advocates connected to each search. The diversity advocates’ roles and responsibilities are clearly outlined in the College of Medicine Search Toolkit. Please be on the lookout for a call to sign up as a diversity advocate. The diversity advocates initiative is scheduled to launch in early January 2023.

Register for training