Promotion and Tenure Information

Promotion Timeline

January – MarchDepartmental Annual reviewsFaculty and Department Chair
AprilChairs identify faculty for promotion or tenureDepartment Chair
April-MayDepartmental Chair solicits external review letters when neededDepartment Chair
MayGuidelines released by Provosts OfficeProvost
Mid-MayFaculty candidate completes draft dossier for chair reviewFaculty and Department Chair
Beginning of JuneFaculty Candidate turns in final dossierFaculty
June-AugustDepartmental ballotingDepartment
Early SeptemberChair completes recommendation formDepartment Chair
Mid-SeptemberCollege of Medicine FRPT reviews each candidate and forwards to the DeanCollege
Late OctoberDossiers are due to the Provost’s officeCollege
DecemberDiscussion by the Provost’s Tenure and Promotion Advisory CommitteeProvost
MarchLetters sent to facultyProvost


Faculty information on tenure and promotion guidelines for 2024–2025.

Below are updated guidelines for each of the promotion tracks in the WSU College of Medicine. Reach out to schedule a meeting to discuss your career as a faculty member at the College.