Core Facilities
Infrastructure to Support the College’s Research Enterprise
Research Service Center
A variety of research service centers support medical research on the WSU Health Sciences Spokane campus.
- Biomedical engineering & design
- Flow cytometry
- Genomics
- Histology
- Imaging
- Mass spectrometry
- Microscopy
- Nuclear magnetic resonance
Centralized Computing Resources
The WSU centralized institutional research computing resources consist of two main platforms.
The IBM high-performance computing (HPC) solution supports jobs with large memory requirements. It consists of 164 computational nodes and 3 special purpose nodes.
The $1.3M Kamiak pilot cluster is operated and managed under the principles of a “condominium” model: modular enhancements to centralized resources are provided by contributions from researchers. The Kamiak cluster can deliver a peak performance of 20 TFlops and supports both GPUs and CPUs, as well as a high-memory-per-core ratio. It enables simulation and data science “at-scale.”