Emily Leickly, PhD

  1. Postdoctoral Research Associate
Email Addressemily.leickly@wsu.edu


  • Portland State University, PhD in Applied Community Psychology
  • Portland State University, MS in Applied Community Psychology
  • University of Washington, BA in Psychology 



  • Portland State University, PhD in Applied Community Psychology
  • Portland State University, MS in Applied Community Psychology
  • University of Washington, BA in Psychology 


  • Research Associate, Portland State University


  • Townley, G., & Leickly, E. (2023). Portland Street Response: Year Two Full Evaluation. Portland State University Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative
  • Leickly, E., Townley, G., Ferry, T., & Petteni, M. (2022). Case study of a pod village for women experiencing homelessness: Learned lessons through residents’ experience. Journal of Urban Affairs
  • Cowal, J., Leickly, E., Ajibade, J., Hines, M., Knowlton, S., & Petteni, M. (2022). Natural / disaster: Differential media portrayals of wildfire displacement and homelessness in Portland, Oregon. Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies.
  • Leickly, E., & Townley, G. (2021). Exploring factors related to supportive housing tenure and stability for people with serious mental illness. Journal of Community Psychology, 49(6), 1787-1805.
  • Townley, G., Sand, K., Kindschuh, T., Brott, H., & Leickly, E. (2021). Engaging unhoused community members in the design of an alternative program aimed at reducing the criminalization of homelessness. Journal of Community Psychology, 2021;1-18
  • Leickly, E., Townley, G., Dover, T.L., Brusilovskiy, E., & Salzer, M.S. (2020). Exploring urbanicity and its relationship with stigma and well-being outcomes for people with serious mental illnesses. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 91(2), 208
  • Leickly, E., Skalisky, J., Angelo F.A., Srebnik, D., McPherson, S., Roll, J.M., Ries, R.K., & McDonell, M.G. (2019). Perspectives on a contingency management intervention for alcohol use among consumers with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 42(1), 26.
  • Leickly, E., Townley, G. (2018). Reasons for engaging in research among people with serious mental illnesses. Psychiatry Research, 269, 75-78.
  • Leickly, E., Skalisky, J., Oluwoye, O., McPherson, S.M., Srebnik, D., Roll, J.M., Ries, R.K., & McDonell, M.G. (2017). Homelessness predicts attrition but not alcohol abstinence in outpatients experiencing co-occurring alcohol dependence and serious mental illness. Substance Abuse, 1-4.

Additional Info

Dr. Leickly is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Promoting Research Initiatives in Substance Use and Mental Health (PRISM) Collaborative. Dr. Leickly's research interests include the self-described experiences of people with serious mental illnesses in a variety of contexts including community mental health centers, supportive housing, and public spaces. Recently, her research has explored the way clients of CMHCs experience the policy and practice impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. She also works at the intersection of SMI and homelessness in the public space, where she and her colleagues completed an two-year evaluation of Portland Street Response, an alternative first responder program designed to address over-policing of people experiencing mental and behavioral health crises and homelessness. She is particularly interested in qualitative methods, including narrative inquiry, media content analysis, and place-based methods.