- Associate Professor
- PhD, Individualized Interdisciplinary: Neuroscience/Psychology, Washington State University
- MS, Communications Disorders, Eastern Washington University
- BA, Psychology, Gonzaga University
- PhD, Individualized Interdisciplinary: Neuroscience/Psychology, Washington State University
- MS, Communications Disorders, Eastern Washington University
- BA, Psychology, Gonzaga University
Courses Taught
- SHS 461 – Clinical Methods
- SHS 471 – Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology in the Schools
- SHS 478 – Language Impairment
- SHS 490 – Special Topics in Autism
- SHS 545 – Autism Spectrum Disorder
- SHS 700 – Master’s Research
Clinical Interests
- Autism: Evidence-Based Interventions
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Language Learning Disabilities
- Public Policy Related to the Education of Children with Special Needs
- Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorder and related disorders
- Biomarkers of ASD; diagnostic practices
- Application of pupillometry and eye-tracking to social language interventions and AAC
My research involves the use of eye-tracking technology to help explain underlying brain function in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the study of neural circuits impacted in ASD which affect arousal, neurodevelopment, and social behavior. This work extends to the clinical practice of differential diagnosis and developing interventions targeting socialization and language including augmentative, alternative communication (AAC) and the use of visual teaching methods across the lifespan.
Research Roundup: Georgina Lynch talks about her autism research.
Lynch Lab: Integrative Brain Function and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Effective communication encompasses listening, speaking, and non-verbal aspects mediated through vision, all of which interact with primary neural processes subserving cognition, language, and learning. We use non-invasive tools to measure physiologic responses relating brain function to behavior. These measures help us better understand the clinical phenotype of ASD and comorbid disorders, and to develop interventions capitalizing on the interactions between the visual and auditory systems. Methods include eye-tracking, pupillometry, and assessment of peripheral and central auditory functions in relation to performance on behavioral assessments.
Selected Publications, Refereed Presentations and Abstracts
- Lynch, G. (2018). Using pupillometry to assess the atypical pupillary light reflex and LC-NE system in ASD. Behavioral Sciences, 8(11), 108. PubMed PMID: 30469373.
- Lynch, G.T.F., James, S.M., & VanDam, M. (2018). Pupillary response and phenotype in ASD: latency to constriction discriminates ASD from typically developing adolescents. Autism Research, doi: 10.1002/aur.1888. PubMed PMID: 29087041.
- Hseih, Ming-Yeh, Lynch, G., & Madison, C. (2018). Intervention techniques used with autism spectrum disorder by speech-language pathologists in the United States and Taiwan: a descriptive analysis of practice in clinical settings. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27(3), 1091-1104. PubMed PMID: 29710283.
- Lynch, G. (2017). EBP & teaching non-verbal pragmatics to adolescents with ASD: lessons learned from brain research. Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, Special Interest Group 1, American Speech-Language Hearing Association.
- Lynch, G. (2018, November). AAC & ASD: Why use of AAC technology often fails—a guide to evaluation and establishing initial treatment goals. American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston: MA.
- Lynch, G. (2018, November). Translating eye-tracking and cognitive demand in ASD: social language stimuli and targeting non-verbal pragmatics. American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston: MA.
- Lynch, G., James, S., & VanDam, M. (2018, August). Pupillometry as a Method for Examining Phenotype in ASD: Latency to Constriction Discriminates ASD from Typically Developing Adolescents. Proceedings of the 4th Neurological Disorders Summit (NDS-2018). J Neurol Exp Neurosci 4(Suppl 1): (p.28). doi:10.17756/jnen.2018-suppl1. Presenting Author & Featured Speaker, Neurological Disorders Summit, Los Angeles, CA
- Lynch, G., James, S., Hyslop, R., & VanDam, M. (2017, May). Preliminary findings in adolescents with ASD: Pupil diameter as a proxy for cognitive load during passive viewing of facial expression stimuli. Poster presentation: Annual Meeting of the International Society of Autism Research, San Francisco, CA.
- Lynch, G. (2016). AAC for individuals with autism spectrum disorder: assessment and establishing treatment goals. In Cardon, T. Autism & Child Psychopathology: Technology and Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Zurich, Switzerland: Springer.
- Lynch, G., James, S.M., VanDam, M., & Potter, N.L. (2015). Facial response to visual stimuli: using pupil response as an indicator of phenotype in ASD. Abstract presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake City, UT.
- Lynch, G., Richburg, C., & McCarty, J (2015). A new era in service delivery for CAPD: changes in IDEA eligibility, ICD-10 coverage and payment. Proceedings of the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Denver: CO.
- Lynch, G. & Richburg, C. (2013). School policies, processes, and services for children with central auditory processing disorders. In F.E. Musiek & G.D. Chermak (Eds.), Handbook of (central) auditory processing disorders: Comprehensive Intervention (Volume 2, 2nd ed.). (pp. 107-30). San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.
- Lynch, G., & Stewart, S. (2013). Redefining the role of the SLP in servicing individuals with ASD. Washington Speech-Language Hearing Association Communique.
Additional Info
- Licensed speech-language pathologist, Washington State Department of Health
- Member, American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
- Special Interest Group 12: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Member, Washington State Speech-Language Hearing Association
- Advisor, National Student Speech-Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
- Member, International Society for Autism Research (INSAR)
- Dr. Lynch provides clinical consultation. Evaluation and speech-language therapy provided by licensed/certified speech-language pathologists are also available at the University Hearing and Speech Clinic: 509-828-1323.
- WSU Spokane Health Sciences Update interview with Dr. Lynch youtube.com/watch?v=27CswagCk7k
- “Learn the Signs, Act Early Campaign” cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/
- Community Partners–Northwest Autism Center nwautism.org/
- Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy (WAAA) washingtonautismadvocacy.org/updates/
Current Projects
- Pupil Response as an Indicator for Phenotype in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- See local, national, and international media coverage of this work
- spokesman.com/stories/2015/nov/08/wsu-research-could-lead-the-way-to-a-simple-penlig/
- medicaldaily.com/easy-screening-test-autism-pupillary-light-reflex-test-common-eye-exams-detects-357290
- icare4autism.org/news/2015/10/could-an-eye-test-lead-to-earlier-autism-diagnosis/
- autismeye.com/eye-test/
- dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3274755/Could-simple-eye-test-diagnose-autism-Pupils-children-condition-markedly-longer-narrow-penlight-test.html
- tarrant.tx.networkofcare.org/dd/news-article-detail.aspx?id=65382
- med.news.am/eng/news/7999/simple-eye-test-can-detect-autism-in-infants.html