Lucia Peixoto, PhD

  1. Associate Professor

Peixoto Lab
View CV


  • University of Pennsylvania, Postdoctoral training in Neuroscience
  • University of Pennsylvania, PhD in Biology
  • Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, BS in Biochemistry



  • University of Pennsylvania, Postdoctoral training in Neuroscience
  • University of Pennsylvania, PhD in Biology
  • Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, BS in Biochemistry


  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Training Program in Neurodevelopmental disabilities (Clinical Internship, Center for Autism Research)


Peixoto’s lab focuses on using genomic and computational biology approaches to study brain function. In particular we are interested in understanding the underlying molecular basis of Autism Spectrum Disorders and their comorbidity with Intellectual Disability and Sleep Impairments. The lab uses mouse models for functional genomic studies of behavior and patient samples to study genetic contributions to disease.


Dr. Peixoto’s publications

KobersteinJ.N., PoplawskiS.G., WimmerM.E., PorcariP., KaoC., GomesB., Risso D., HakonarsonH., ZhangN.R, SchultzR.T, AbelT. and PeixotoL. Learning-dependent chromatin remodeling highlights non-coding regulatory regions linked to Autism. Article. Sci. Signal. 16 Jan 2018: Vol. 11, Issue 513, eaan6500.

Gerstner J.R., Koberstein J., Watson A.J., Frank M.G and Peixoto. L. Removal of unwanted variation reveals novel patterns of gene expression linked to sleep homeostasis in murine cortex. BMC Genomics. 2016 Oct 25;17(Suppl 8):727.

Peixoto L., Risso D., Poplwaski S.G., Wimmer M.E., Speed T.P., Wood M.A. and Abel T. How data analysis affects power, reproducibility and biological insight of RNA-seq studies in complex datasets. Nucleic acids research. 2015; 43(16):7664-74,

Peixoto L., Wimmer M., Poplwaski S., Choi J.K, Kenworthy C., Liu S., Keiko M., Garcia, B.A., Zhang N.R., Giese K.P. and Abel T. Memory consolidation and retrieval impact different epigenetic processes that regulate gene expression. BMC Genomics. 2015. May 26;16 Suppl 5:S5.

Vecsey C.G.*, Peixoto L.*, Choi J.H., Wimmer M., Hernandez P.J., Blackwell J., Jaganath D., Meda K., Hannenhalli S. and Abel T. Genomic analysis of sleep deprivation reveals mTOR-dependent translational inhibition in the hippocampus. Cover Article. Physiol Genomics. 2012 Oct 17;44(20):981-91. * authors contributed equally to the work.

Additional Info

Lucia Peixoto, PhD is the faculty adviser from the College of Medicine to the WSU Spokane Genomics Core.

She is also a member of the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), The Society for Neuroscience (SFN) and the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).

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