MD students train with the Air National Guard

The college continued its partnership with the Air National Guard on January 9 and hosted a training session in our anatomy lab.

Members of the 141st and 92nd medical groups participated in the training with students and faculty from the college. The focus of the this training was needle decompression of the chest, chest tube placement, intraosseous vascular access, and gross anatomy review of the thorax and vascular anatomy relevant to tourniquet placement.

Anatomy instruction was led by third year students Ashlynn Felker, Jacob Mansfield, and Sam Adams, second year students Sue Winger and Kelsey Yenney, first-year student Alisha Nguyen, and faculty member Dave Conley.

The 141st and the College of Medicine have a longstanding partnership that benefits both groups as these trainings help medical personnel and students review anatomy, bolster skills, and gain experience.