Coug Docs in Love

Inspired by Valentine’s Day, we want to celebrate love—Coug Doc style! MS1s Petr and Taylor met in 2016 where all great love stories start, at WSU Pullman. After attending our Admissions Symposium, the two knew the College of Medicine was for them.

They applied and got their acceptance calls into the Class of 2025 last year.

“He found out before I knew,” said Taylor. “I was so nervous I wasn’t going to get in with him… it felt like the longest two weeks.” The two laugh about it now. A few months after, Petr popped the question asked Taylor to marry him!

From becoming medical assistants to transitioning into a hospital working with general surgeons—the two have had almost every job together. “We do everything together,” said Taylor. “Having someone to go through this with you is so amazing,” she said.

What’s next? While residency is unknown, the pair aren’t too worried and might consider couples match when the time comes. “I think what makes it easier is that we both understand medicine and it’s commitment,” said Petr. “Everything has worked out great so far,” he said.

Petr and Taylor plan to get married after graduating medical school, before setting off on the next stage of their medical careers together. We can’t wait to see where medicine takes them, and are excited to be a part of their story!