Student-led discussion on social media presence and professionalism

MD students will facilitate a discussion on April 19 with guest speaker Dr. Austin Chiang, MD, MPH, and third-year medical student Joel Bervell. The two will speak on establishing social media presence and professionalism in medicine via Zoom.

April 19 | 5:10 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Meeting ID: 941 9074 1346
Password: 215197

“Establishing a Professional Social Media Presence as a Physician”

About the event

Dr. Chiang pioneers the use of social media for education and outreach in the field of gastroenterology and Joel uses his platforms to address racial health disparities in medicine. Organized by MD students, they recognize the role social media has in health care.

“Social media is omnipresent in today’s world, and the medical field is no exception,” — MS2 Pierce Claassen

“In this age of medical misinformation, it is especially important to build a professional presence online and thereby preserve the integrity of the role of healthcare workers in society,” — MS2 Skyler Burke

Students, faculty & staff can find more event information and review the flyer here.