Blake Cohoe and Matt Porter receive the 2022 Shikany Awards

Blake Cohoe and Matt Porter

Named after visionary Dr. Sam Shikany, the Shikany Awards are given to students who embody inspiration and service to the community. Congratulations to MD students Blake Cohoe and Matt Porter who received the 2022 Shikany Awards.

Blake received the Inspirational Award, and fellow classmates say “Blake exemplifies key characteristics of a community leader and has a passion to give back to his communities. He is our class president and volunteers his time as a mentor to high school students interested in medicine, local high school basketball teams, and many other community outreach programs.”

Matt received the Service Award, and a faculty member said “I’ve seen, firsthand, Matt’s capacity for clinical reasoning and his keen awareness of social determinants of health. Matt brings a wealth of personal experience to CBL discussions, providing a real-world context that enhances the learning of his peers. His service in the military, work as a scribe serving patients of disparate socioeconomic status.”

Read more about the awards and Dr. Sam Shikany here.