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Purchasing and Payables Services

The Purchasing and Payables Services team is responsible for the auditing and timely processing of payments, travel authorizations, procurement requests, and contracts, while ensuring compliance with WSU and State of Washington policy. See below for frequently used forms and resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the fiscal year start and end?

The fiscal year is July 1 to June 30 each year.

Who do I notify when the copier is not working?

Email finance.medicine@wsu.edu. Include the copier building and room location, model number, and serial number. The Business & Finance Office will place a service call to the copier company.

How do I receive a monthly electronic budget report?

Reports can be scheduled with a variety of frequencies, including monthly. View the Workday article on Scheduling Reports to see how to set this up. The four main Workday reports used for budgeting purposes are “CR FIN Core Budget to Actuals with Encumbrances Summary,” “CR FIN Non-Core Budget to Actuals with Encumbrances Summary,” “CR GRA PI Award Budget to Actuals Summary,” or “CR GFT Budget to Actuals Summary.” Email finance.medicine@wsu.edu for questions or assistance.

I have a question about my budget. Who do I contact?

You can email your question to finance.medicine@wsu.edu or check the Business & Finance Office website for a directory of staff who can assist you.

Where can I locate the Event Planning Procedures?

View the College of Medicine Event Planning Procedures.

Does Business and Finance Services need to know when I am planning an event?

Details regarding event planning can be found in the Event Planning Procedures. You can contact Business and Finance Services at medicine.events@wsu.edu.

What is the difference between light refreshments and a meal?

Light refreshments include nonalcoholic beverages and edible items commonly served between meals, but not intended to substitute for meals, e.g., coffee, soft drinks, doughnuts, sweet rolls, fruit, and cheese.

What account(s) are to be expensed for student meals and refreshments?

Cost of food, beverages, and other expenses associated with office student events must be expensed to discretionary FN057 accounts. These expenses must be in support of student academic service, recruitment of students, or institution-sponsored student events/activities.

What happens if the meal cost per person exceeds the per diem rates for the area?

Every effort should be made to stay within the per diem. In the instances where you do not, please refer to the use of FN057 accounts.

When do I need a banquet license?

Please review BPPM 70.00, BPPM 70.29, and the College of Medicine Event Planning Procedures.

Do I need pre-approval to serve food at an event or meeting?

Yes. Please complete an online Event Proposal/Request to Serve Food form.

If multiple meals are being provided during a speaker’s visit, Do I need to complete separate RTSF forms?

No. You can complete an Event Proposal/Request to Serve Food form for the duration of the speaker’s visit. Be sure to include required information for each meal (e.g. list of attendees).

Can I purchase bottled water?

Bottled water can be purchased for events only. Per BPPM 70.33, bottled water or water service primarily for the use of employees is not allowable on FN057 accounts.

Does the tax, gratuity, service fees, table covers, decorations, etc. count toward the per person per diem?

Yes. Please review the College of Medicine Event Planning Procedures for additional information.

Can I sign an event order, catering agreement, event location agreement, or any other event related document?

Unless you have delegated contractual signature authority, all contracts and agreements need to be routed to Business and Finance Services by completing a Contract Request Form.

What is the mailing/shipping address for the Spokane Campus?

Spokane Campus mailing/shipping address.

What is the billing address when using a Pcard?

Per BPPM 70.08, the billing address for Pcard purchases is:
Washington State University
P.O. Box 641020
Pullman, WA 99164-1020

Please include the cardholder’s name, college, and purchase order number if applicable.

Who is the contracted vendor for office supplies?

WSU and the College of Medicine use state-contracted vendor, Office Depot, for our office supply needs. We utilize their online Desktop Ordering to route and approve order requests from areas within the college. Please contact finance.medicine@wsu.edu to receive a sign-on and password.

How do I create a purchase requisition in Workday?

Please reference the Workday Reference GuideCreate Requisition, for step-by-step instructions. If you require further assistance, please email finance.medicine@wsu.edu.

How do I code a purchase of goods/services?

Legacy object and sub object coding has been replaced with Workday spend categories.  In the spend category field, you can type a portion of the expenditure description (example: freight or supplies). Workday intuitively will provide you with a list to select from. There is also a Spend Category Crosswalk you can use to find the Workday equivalent of the legacy object sub object.

What sub object code should I use for food purchases? There is more than one.

Spend category SC00049 should be used only for food items such as snacks and drinks that are not part of a meal.
Spend category SC00047 should be used for meals. e.g., Restaurants or catered meals at meetings.

Spend category SC00146 should be used for special events only and may or may not include food.
For additional information, refer to the Spend Category Crosswalk.

How do I request promotional items?

Please email finance.medicine@wsu.edu and specify quantity and need by date. All WSU trademark items must be purchased from licensed vendors.

I need to replace my computer/laptop. How do I order a new one?

Please contact Spokane Campus IT at spok.it.help@wsu.edu to request a quote. They will work with you to determine the configuration that is best for your needs. Once you have received their quote, please input a requisition in Workday and upload the quote.

Is more than one bid required to purchase an item?

The direct buy limit is $10,000 and over. See PBBM 70.00 and 70.13 for additional information. As fiscal stewards of WSU financial resources, all requests are reviewed for proper sourcing through eligible contracts prior to purchase. If you have researched sources for a product or service, attach quotes on the requisition you create in Workday. This will help expedite your request.

How do I get reimbursed for a purchase I paid for with personal funds?

Complete an Invoice Voucher. If the Claimant is not an employee, a completed W-9 will be required as well. Once all required documents are complete and signed, submit them and receipt copies to Business and Finance Office via the General Purchasing Request form. Please choose “Submit Reimbursement” as the request type.

Where can I find the status of the order I placed in Workday?

There are multiple ways to locate the status of your order in Workday. If you retained your requisition number, enter it in the search field. On the far right of the requisition line, you will locate the purchase order number. Click on the purchase order in blue and Workday will take you to the purchase order, where a due date has been entered. There may be comments in the Memo field also. If you do not know your requisition number, you can search by the supplier’s name, or use Find Requisitions or Find Purchase Orders and filter as appropriate to narrow your search. If you require assistance or additional information, please contact the Business and Finance Office at  finance.medicine@wsu.edu. Please include as much identifying information as possible.

What is a Supplier?

In Workday a Vendor is referred to as a Supplier.

What are WSU’s Payment Terms?

Payment is processed after all items invoiced have been received. To show items on a Purchase Order have been received, submit a Create Receipt in Workday or submit to Business Services using the General Purchasing Request FormWSU’s Standard Payment Terms states that invoices will be processed for payment within net/30 days from the date a properly completed invoice is received in Accounts Payable.

How do I set up a Supplier with ACH?

Suppliers can be set up to receive payment by check or ACH. To have a Supplier setup with ACH please have them submit the ACH form to Business Services using the General Purchasing Request Form. Business Services will then submit the request through Workday.

How do I pay an Honorarium or Stipend?

Request that the recipient submit a completed W-9 to Business Services using the General Purchasing Request Form. Request the recipient submit the signed Invoice Voucher to you, the social security number should not be included on this form. You will then submit the Invoice Voucher to Business Services using the General Purchasing Request Form. Business Services will then request the recipient be established as a Supplier in Workday and submit the Invoice Voucher for payment.

How do I make a Nonservice Payment?

The paying department should submit a completed Nonservice Pay Authorization form and upload it to Business & Finance Services using the General Purchasing Request form. Please include the WSU Supplier number (if it exists), e-mail address, and phone number on the Nonservice Pay Authorization form. Business & Finance Services will contact the recipient if they do not have a WSU Supplier number via a Smartsheet update request to obtain a W-9. Once a W-9 is received, Business & Finance Services will request the recipient be set up as a supplier in Workday and submit the Nonservice Pay Authorization form for payment.

How do I request a Student Reimbursement?

Submit a Reimbursement Request to Business Services using the General Purchasing Request Form.
Business Services will set the student up as an ECM (External Committee Member). The reimbursement will then be processed on an Expense Report. If the student is requesting the payment be made via Direct Deposit, a member of the Business Services Team will contact them.

How do I process Research Participant Payments?

Request the recipient submit a W-9 to Business Services using the General Purchasing Request Form. Request the recipient submit the signed Invoice Voucher to you – social security number should not be included on this form. You will then submit the Invoice Voucher to Business Services using the General Purchasing Request Form. Business Services will then request the recipient be established as a Supplier in Workday and submit the Invoice Voucher for payment.

I need to travel for work. What do I need to do?

Authorization by your supervisor is required prior to making any travel arrangements. You will need to submit a Workday spend authorization with estimated costs for meals, travel, lodging, etc. The spend authorization routes to your supervisor for approval. Once you receive the final approval on your spend authorization, you are able to book lodging, reserve rental vehicle, and pay conference fees.  If you still have questions, please contact medicine.travel@wsu.edu.

Where can I find meal and lodging per diem rates?

Per Diem Rates can be found on WSU Travel Page.

Can personally paid travel expenses be reimbursed prior to traveling?

Here is information regarding travel advances and other travel related questions.

Can a traveler receive per diem for one-day trips?

The following conditions must be met: 11-Hour Rule and Defined Meal Period.

Am I allowed to have a WSU student’s lodging direct billed to WSU? What if the student also has an hourly position?

Yes. For additional information, please see travel related questions.

How do I request pre-authorization for travel and travel expenses?

A Workday spend authorization needs to be completed. If you are requesting pre-authorization for yourself, type Create Spend Authorization into the Workday search field. If you are an Expense Data Entry Specialist requesting pre-authorization on behalf of someone else, type either Create Spend Authorization for Worker or Create Spend Authorization for Non-Worker, as appropriate, into the Workday search field. Please see the Workday Create Spend Authorization reference guide for additional instruction and a walkthrough of completing a spend authorization.

If multiple travelers are going on the same trip, do I need to complete a Workday spend authorization for each traveler?

One spend authorization can be used if all travelers have the same funding and approving official. Otherwise, separate forms are required.

Do I still need to complete a Workday spend authorization if I am not requesting funding or reimbursement?

Yes. The only exception is employee travel between Pullman and Spokane that is not funded by a third party.

How do I get reimbursed for pre-approved travel expenses?

A Workday expense report needs to be completed. If the reimbursement is for yourself, type Create Expense Report into the Workday search field. If you are an Expense Data Entry Specialist requesting reimbursement on behalf of someone else, type either Create Expense Report for Worker or Create Expense Report for Non-Worker, as appropriate, into the Workday search field. Please see the Workday Create Expense Report reference guide for additional instruction and a walkthrough of completing the expense report.

Do I need pre-authorization to attend and register for a virtual conference?

A spend authorization is not required if you will not be traveling to attend a conference.

How do I pay for the conference registration fee?

Conference registration fees can be paid using a PCard once a spend authorization is submitted and approved in Workday. Include the spend authorization transaction number in the PCard verification.

What can I do if I have lost travel receipts?

Please read the instructions and complete an Affidavit of Lost Receipt.

How do I calculate the distance between travel points?

Please use this mileage tool.

What is the current mileage reimbursement rate when using a personal vehicle?

Current mileage rates can be access here.

Where can I find if there have been updates to the travel policies?

Travel policy updates are located on the Travel Services website.

Can I choose to use my private vehicle for University-related travel? If so, am I insured under WSU?

Per BPPM 95.11, “Normally, the use of a privately-owned motor vehicle is based upon University-related requirements rather than the personal preference or convenience of the traveler.

A WSU traveler may use a privately-owned motor vehicle for official University travel when:

  • A Motor Pool vehicle is not available, or
  • It is more advantageous or economical to the University to use a privately-owned vehicle than a Motor Pool vehicle as determined by the approving administrator.”

A driver of a privately-owned vehicle involved in an accident while on official University business may be covered by their private insurance policy. This insurance policy is considered “primary” for payment of all losses and/or recoveries arising from an accident while driving a privately-owned vehicle. The cost of insurance is considered to be covered by state’s mileage reimbursement rate. NOTE: The state does not reimburse state drivers for insurance deductibles.

Can I order and pay for software on my Pcard?

No. Per BPPM 70.00 and 70.24, WSU requires all software agreements (including “click-through”) to be handled as legal documents and Pcard payment is restricted per BPPM 70.08.

Can I download FREE software on my WSU equipment?

No. Free software offers and often referred to as “click-thru” agreements and you are agreeing to terms and conditions. Unless you have delegation contractual authority from WSU, you are not authorized to agree to any terms. Plus, all software requires a completed ITS Review Questionnaire completed in Workday, and potentially a risk assessment prior to being downloaded to WSU equipment. Oftentimes, ‘free” software is for a trial period and a fee is charged when the offer expires. Check with Medicine IT at medicine.it@wsu.edu first for guidance and if a similar product may be in use.

Who can sign an agreement or contract?

Only WSU employees with delegation contractual authority may sign within the scope of their approval.

How do I order software?

Software orders are submitted by creating a Workday requisition and entering a service line (not a goods line). Even though software is a contract, WSU has elected to use the requisition process to take advantage of some features built-in specific to software. When a software requisition is completed, Workday automatically prompts the requester to complete an ITS Review Questionnaire. Based on the responses, the questionnaire will route to Medicine IT and/or to IT Contracts for risk assessment prior to routing to the Business and Finance Office.

In addition, a Contract Request Form, which can be found on our website, must be completed by the requester, and uploaded to the Workday requisition. The Contract Request Form advises requesters which supplier-related documents are required by the Business and Finance Office for review of the software purchase request.

What is the ITS Review Questionnaire?

WSU Information Technology Services (ITS) reviews certain information technology related purchases of equipment, software, and cloud services in coordination with WSU Purchasing Services for system compatibility, network connectivity and data security purposes. BPPM 70.24

Do I need to go through the same review process for a renewal?

Yes. WSU requires all software purchases and renewals be reviewed prior to purchase. Renewals are requested by submitting a Workday requisition and entering a service line (not a goods line). Refer to the FAQ above, “How do I order software?”

How much notice should I give if I need to renew or purchase software?

Preferably, the Business Services and Finance Office would like 60-90 days advanced notice for all software renewals and purchases. This allows adequate time to review and negotiate all terms and documents, for IT to complete the mandatory ITS Review Questionnaire and, if applicable, submit for Risk Assessment. There are other guidelines if the software exceeds $5,000 or $10,000 that could require additional time.

What can I do to reduce the processing time for my software renewal or purchase?

The Business and Finance Office has developed a Contract Request Form for the requestor to complete and upload to their Workday requisition. The form provides necessary details regarding your software purchase and a list of the required supplier documents for the requester to upload to the Workday requisition.

Why do the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and other documents associated with the software need to be reviewed prior to purchase?

These documents are legally binding. WSU, as a state land-grant university, may not be able to agree to some terms and other terms may place WSU in an unfavorable position. WSU takes protecting the privacy and data security of all students, employees, those associated with the University, and the University itself very seriously.

What is “Governing Venue” and why is it important?

Governing Venue, sometimes referred to as Governing Law or Jurisdiction Law, in legal agreements is a clause that declares which rules and laws will govern the agreement if legal issues arise. WSU is a public institution of higher education and agency of the state of Washington. Only the state’s legislature has the authority to waive the sovereign immunity of the state of Washington to agree to be subject to the laws of another state/country and/or to agree to be sued in such jurisdictions.

Where do I find the WSU standard contract terms?

WSU’s standard contract terms can be found here.

What does FERPA stand for and why is an additional Risk Assessment required if the software will store of transfer student information?

FERPA stands for Family educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. It is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. WSU takes the privacy of student records very seriously. The required Risk Assessment is done by the ITS Contracts Office by professionals experienced in the technical aspects of data security and confidentiality to ensure compliance.

What WSU guidelines are there for software purchases over $5,000 or $10,000?

Effective July 2020, software purchases over $5,000 purchased on certain funds require completion of a Freeze Exemption Request Form signed by the requesting department’s appropriate chancellor, vice president, or dean. Software purchases exceeding $10,000 require justification for “sole source” or to be competitively bid. For more information, please refer to BPPM 70.24.

What are the policies and procedures for purchasing gift cards?

Here is the information regarding BPPM 70.44 Gift Cards and Cash Equivalents Purchase and Use.