Jae Kennedy, PhD


BA, Psychology, Whitman College, Walla Walla                                                     9/81-5/85

MA, Applied Social Psychology, Claremont Graduate School, Claremont               9/85-5/88

PhD, Health Services and Policy Analysis, University of California, Berkeley        9/93-5/96



BA, Psychology, Whitman College, Walla Walla                                                     9/81-5/85

MA, Applied Social Psychology, Claremont Graduate School, Claremont               9/85-5/88

PhD, Health Services and Policy Analysis, University of California, Berkeley        9/93-5/96


Counselor. Homeless Family Services for Adults with Disabilities. Berkeley Oakland Support Services, Berkeley, CA: 3/88-9/89

Research Associate. Research and Training Center on Public Policy and Independent Living, World Institute on Disability, Oakland, CA: 10/89-8/93

Director. Long-Term Care Statistics Project, Disability Statistics Research and Training Center, School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco, CA: 1/96-8/98

Assistant Professor. Department of Community Health, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL: 8/96-5/02

Full Professor (8/12-present) & Department Chair (7/14-7/19), Associate Professor (8/04-7/12), Assistant Professor (6/02-7/04). Department of Community and Behavioral Health (formerly Health Policy and Administration), College of Medicine Washington State University, Spokane, WA, 6/002 – present

Executive Committee Chair, AcademyHealth Disability Research Interest Group Washington, DC, 5/12-5/14

President, National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers, Washington, DC, 3/18-11/20

Steering Committee Member, Disability and Rehabilitation Research Coalition (DRRC), 11/18-present


  • Health reform
  • Disability policy
  • Prescription drug access and utilization
  • Ableism and intersectionality
  • Disability measurement and data equity

Honors & Awards

Emerging Scholar Award, Society for Disability Studies: 1992

NIMH Predoctoral Fellow, Financing and Service Delivery. UC Berkeley: 1992-93

NIDRR Predoctoral Fellow, Disability Statistics. UC San Francisco: 1993-95

Arnold O. Beckman Research Award, University of Illinois: 1998

Distinguished Research Fellow, National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research: 1999-2000

Certificate of Excellence in Teaching, Associated Students of WSU Spokane: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012

Faculty Excellence Award, Washington State University: 2009

Graduate Advisor Award, Graduate and Professional Students Association, WSU: 2010

Science Advances in Pain Research, NIH Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (IPRCC): 2015

Best Paper Award, National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (NARRTC), 2017

Special Recognition Award,  NARRTC, 2020

Allen Meyers Award for Research, Teaching and Advocacy. American Public Health Association, 2021

Research Excellence Award, Advancing Equity, WSU Office of Research, 2023


Select publications:

1.       Kennedy, J, Y Tien, L Cohen, D Sclar, D Liu, E Blodgett & J Engle (2009). The association between class of antipsychotic and the rates of hospitalization: results of a retrospective analysis of the 2005 Medicare Beneficiary Survey. Clinical Therapeutics, 31(12), 2931-2939.

2.       Kennedy, J, A Dipzinski, J Roll, J Coyne & E Blodgett (2010). Medicare prescription drug plan coverage of pharmacotherapies for opioid and alcohol dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 114(2), 201-206

3.       Kennedy, J, M Maciejewski, D Liu, E Blodgett (2011). Cost related nonadherence in the Medicare program – the impact of Part D. Medical Care, 49(5), 522-526

4.       Kennedy, J, E Blodgett & G Gimm (2013). Return to work: A critical aspect of care coordination for younger dual eligibles. Disability and Health, 6(2), 95-99

5.     Kennedy, J & E Wood (2016). Medication costs and adherence of treatment before and after the Affordable Care Act (1999-2015), American Journal of Public Health, 106(10), 1804-1807.

6.     Kennedy, J, E Wood & L Frieden (2017). Disparities in insurance coverage, health services use, and access following implementation of the Affordable Care Act: A comparison of disabled and nondisabled working-age adults. Inquiry, 54, online.

7.     Burns, M, L Dague, E Wood & J Kennedy (2022). The effects of Medicaid Expansions from 2001-2015 on Supplemental Security Income Program Participation among childless adults, Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 10442073221094807.

8.     Kennedy, J, E Wood & C Wu (2023). Factors associated with frequent or daily use of prescription opioids among US adults with chronic pain, Journal of International Medical Research, 10.1177/03000605221149289.

Additional Info


Kennedy, J (PI) (6/99-5/00). National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, $55,000. Sources and Levels of Personal Assistance for Adults with Disabilities

Kennedy, J (PI) (1/02-12/02). Disability Research Institute, Social Security Administration, $47,500 subcontract. A Profile of SSDI Applicants and Beneficiaries Aged 18-64

Kennedy, J (PI) (5/03-5/04). W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, $5,000. Factors Associated with Workforce Participation among SSDI Beneficiaries

Kennedy, J (Consultant) (10/07-9/10). Commonwealth Fund, $7,000 consulting contract. Quality of Medication Use in Seven Countries

Kennedy, J (PI) (12/07-1/11). International Council for Canadian Studies Faculty Research Program, $8,000. Prescription drug access and utilization in the U.S. and Canada

Kennedy, J (PI) (10/07-9/11). National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, $599,491. Assessing the Impact of Medicare-D on SSDI Beneficiaries

Kennedy (co-I, Head of Policy Core); J Roll, PI (4/09-3/14). WA Life Sciences Discovery Fund, $4,048,620. Program of Excellence in Rural Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment

Kennedy, J (PI) (9/13-8/15). WA Attorney General’s Office. Consumer Protective Division, $340,288. The Antipsychotic Atlas: Medicare Usage of Antipsychotic Medications in Washington

Kennedy, J (PI) (10/15-9/22). National Institute on Independent Living Disability and Rehabilitation Research, $2,493,892. Collaborative on Health Reform and Independent Living (CHRIL)

Kennedy, J (PI) (10/17-9/24). National Institute on Independent Living Disability and Rehabilitation Research, $750,000. Collaborative on Health Reform and Independent Living Fellowship (CHRIL-F)

Kennedy, J (WA Chief Consultant) (1/24-9/24), Special Olympics Inc., $60,000. Rosemary Collaboratory

Kennedy, J (PI) (8/24-7/27). National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research$1,209,434. Disability Perspectives on the Adverse Effects of Medical Ableism