Fiscal Year 2023 will officially end on Friday, June 30. There are multiple deadlines before and after that date. Business and Finance Services has prepared a schedule of cutoff dates for the various tasks they handle on behalf of the college.
They’ve created both an outline and table format. Some of these dates are based on university deadlines, while others provide us time to commit to other tasks in preparation of deadlines. Additional deadlines or changes will be shared as they become available. Please review and prepare your workload and requests accordingly.
To prepare for Fiscal Year End, finance staff will utilize a portion of “No Meeting Fridays” to devote to tasks. Beginning Monday, April 3, their Outlook Out of Office message will indicate to direct immediate need emails to Other non-immediate emails will be responded to in order after 1:00 p.m. Please use this opportunity to use the tools provided on their website, Modernization, Teams, and by the University.
Fiscal Year End is a very busy period for the college and for the Business and Finance Services office in particular. Their office thanks colleagues in advance for their assistance, patience, and understanding so they can achieve a successful close to one fiscal year and the start of another.