Dawn DeWitt to Join Faculty at ACP Internal Medicine Meeting

Dawn DeWitt, CIPHERS

The American College of Physicians (ACP) invited Dawn DeWitt, MD, MSc, CMedEd, MACP, FRACP, FRCP-London, senior associate dean for the Center for InterProfessional Health Education Research and Scholarship (CIPHERS), to join the faculty for the upcoming ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2024. The meeting will be held April 18-20 in Boston.

DeWitt will present and moderate a session titled, Communities of Practice: Promoting Lifelong Learning and Professional Identity in Internal Medicine.

The invitation is a significant honor from a nationally-renowned organization and it showcases the reputation of the WSU College of Medicine and its faculty educators. The ACP was founded in 1926 for internists, those who specialize in prevention, early detection, and treatment of illness in adults.