Business Travel Tips: Checking for Open Spend Authorizations

Business & Finance Services

Use this list from Business and Finance Services to check for open spend authorizations on a regular basis.

  1. View your spend authorizations at least twice a month. We recommend setting reminders on your calendar.
  2. In Workday, go to the “Find Spend Authorizations” report.
    1. In the “Spend Authorization Created by Worker” field, enter your name.
    2. In the “Spend Authorization Status” field, select the following: “In-Progress,” “Draft,” and “Approved.”
    3. In the “Spend Start Date” fields, enter dates for Fiscal Year 2024: 7/1/23 – 6/30/24
  3. The report will list all open spend authorizations (not yet processed or completed) in FY2024.
  4. If an expense report is listed, but the status is not showing “Closed,” “Draft,” or “Canceled”:
    1. Check the dates of the trip (if it has not happened yet the spend authorization should still be open)
    2. If the status is “Draft,” open the spend authorization and see if the spend authorization is still needed or if it’s a duplicate.
    3. If there is an expense report listed, open it to see if the “Final ER Box was checked,” then check the “Business Process” status to see if it’s still in the approval process. You may need to ping someone if it’s waiting in their inbox for them to approve. However, if it’s in the final step in Pullman, they have 10 business days to approve. Please do not ping Pullman.
  5. If the expense report has gone through the approval process and there are no other expenses to submit, but the “Final ER Box” was not checked, you will need to go to the spend authorization and select “Close.” Otherwise the commitments placed on your budget when you submitted the spend authorization will stay on your budget.
  6. If the spend authorization is a draft and is either no longer needed or if it’s a duplicate opened in error, you will need to go to the spend authorization and select “Close” or “Cancel.” Otherwise the commitments placed on your budget when you submitted the spend authorization will stay on your budget.
  7. Business and Finance Services will send these instructions with screenshots for those of you who process travel.
  8. Contact and/or Diane at if you need any assistance.