Student Evaluation, Promotion and Awards Committee (SEPAC)

The Student Evaluation, Promotion, and Awards (SEPAC) makes recommendations regarding the standards and procedures for all WSU College of Medicine medical student evaluation, advancement, graduation, and disciplinary action. Upon approval by the Dean, the standards and procedures are included in this student handbook. The Student Evaluation, Promotion & Awards Committee verifies individuals in each class for promotion and graduation by review of each student’s academic performance.

The Student Evaluation, Promotion & Awards Committee is composed of at least 5 representatives including: (1) Senior Associate Dean for Student Experience; (2) Associate Dean for Student Affairs (3) Representative/s elected from the first or second year educational programs; (4) Representative/s elected from the third or fourth year educational programs; (5) A student representative from years 3 or 4 may be elected by the student body to serve on this committee.

Additional non-appointed Committee members are elected by the medical school faculty for a term of 3 years. Members are elected on a staggered schedule to provide continuity.

For additional information, see the Faculty Byaws.

View Promotion, Dismissal and Graduation Policy.